Onward to Canada via New Brunswick to Nova Scotia. First off, THEY LET US IN!! After a few questions: what do you do for work, where are you from (you are holding my passport), how did you meet, how long are you staying, why are you here, are you bringing anything in (yes, can't you see my car is full), are you leaving anything (just the guy in the back), will you be taking anything, do you have any weapons (only if you consider a butter knife a weapon), back to the beginning...I think they are required to ask every question twice. We stopped at the information center so Ofri and Drew could use the playground and so we could get some info on the Bay of Fundy. We then continued our 12 hr? drive to Lawrencetown where we were couchsurfing with Daina and Stefan. We arrived even later then expected(we forgot to take into account the time change, oops). We were greeted by Daina, Daisy and Cozmo, Stefan was at the opening of the Canoe Sprint World Championships, and shown into their amazing home. Daina told us how she and Stefan want to drive down/around to South America via United States and Central America which sounds incredible, by then I should be settled somewhere so hopefully they will visit. The next day we headed down the road to Lawrencetown Beach so Ofri could continue with her immersion into every body of water in the various places we were staying and to see the area. Daina made us a walking map with points of interest in Halifax so after the beach we headed to the ferry. After trying to figure out the parking meter and ATM (which it seems mastercard is the preference in NS) I found a store to exchange some US $ into Canadian so we could pay the meter then we headed on the ferry to Halifax. As we pulled up to the dock we could see the International Buskers Festival going on, street performers galore!
We stopped to watch an acrobat, juggler/fire juggler couple, very impressive. We then walked up to the Public Gardens and around town, watched some more street performers before heading back across the river. That evening Daina prepared dinner and dessert and we watched a surf video. The next morning Daina showed Ofri and I her studio where she creates her beautiful masterpieces (she is an artist), their house is full of stunning artwork, ceramic, photographs, paintings...we then embarked on our trek to Montreal but first making a stop at the Hopewell Rocks.
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