We arrived in Montreal around 1:oo a.m. and found our hostess' flat with out a problem. The only thing was she wasn't home nor did she have a cell phone or leave the key under the mat like she said she would. Drew is freaking out, calling his mom; Ofri and I sit down and decide to wait, no worries, she probably went to grab a drink and will be home shortly. So we take a walk around the block and sure enough when we get back Caile and some friends (Dustin, Mark and Shana also couchsurfing from Halifax) are sitting on the porch, had just run out for a beer.
The following afternoon we headed to the "beach", I put this in parentheses because it is man made on a man made lake I believe too. They charge $8/person to get in and we don't want to pay so we walk around trying to find a secluded place to sneak in and end up hopping a fence. Well, not really hopping, we had to climb and then jump, and I was uncontrollably laughing because passerbys were staring and Dustin had a duffel bag of beer he was trying to climb over with. Well we made it, found a spot to lay our things, grapped a beer and jumped in. Right away a lifeguard came over and in French told us we couldn't have beer in the water and also we were not suppose to have glass bottles and the guys at the gate should have told us this(Thanks for the translation Mark). Ooops, we blame the guys at the gate.
Sunday was the Pride Parade and Tamtams, we saw some of the most beautiful people! Montreal is an amazing city, full of life and color.
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